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Student professional practice at the Malaga Oceanographic Center hosted by ECOLATUN

Alberto Pastor Moya is a university student in the Undergraduate track for Ocean Sciences in the University of Cadiz. He has been carrying out his professional practice at the Malaga Oceanographic Center via the University Business Foundation of the Cadiz province (FUECA). Through the cooperative educational agreement between the Cadiz University and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography and under the supervision of Dr. Raúl Laiz-Carrión and Dr. Alberto García, he has acquired hands-on knowledge and experience in the larval ecology field. The laboratory work Alberto has carried out focuses in the trophic ecology of highly migratory fishes, particularly with the use of stable isotopes analysis. Alberto has carefully handled and processed multiple ichthyoplankton, zooplankton and microzooplankton samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico and the western Mediterranean (Balearic Sea). These samples are part of the project titled ECOLATUN “Comparative trophic ECOlogy of Larvae of Atlantic Bluefin TUNa (Thunnus thynnus) from NW Mediterranean and Gulf of Mexico spawning areas (ECOLATUN)” (CTM2015-68473-R MINECO/FEDER). The Larval Ecology Group is very pleased with Alberto’s efforts and hopes to continue working together in future research collaborations.

D. Alberto Pastor Moya

D. ALberto Pastor Moya


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